Friday, November 11, 2011

LONG time, no write. Forgive me, but here is something interesting..

I am currently (right now in this very moment) in my Dramatic Literature Class and we are starting on the topic of fitting. haha, someone in my class just mentioned "buring bras" as the first thing that comes to mind when they here this term "Feminism."  We just discussed the difference (and relation) between the terms Feminist, female and Feminine.  Feminist is a political term, for those that fight against the patriarchal contructs in society.  Female is a biological term, dealing with the sex of a person, genetics, dna, and all that jazz. NOW onto Feminine: gender, or the cultural characteristics that have been socially constructed as part of that given gender.  Interesting.  Now I am not saying that I agree or disagree by making this post, because science vs. the humanities continues the "nature vs. nurture" battle to this day.  But I will say that there are feminine characteristics and masculine characteristics.  Here were a few that we listed as a class:

emotional reasoning 
proper in speech

logical reasoning
harsher in speech
I think that we can all agree that these are only a few of the characteristics out there, not they they are TRUE or apply to all of us, or any of us, but they exist.  I ask YOU, what are some of the feminine or masculine charcteristics that you recognize in yourself or others? Does a woman have to reason emotionally and eat chocolate to be feminine and does a man have to reason logically and enjoy a variety of meats to be masculine.  I say NO! No, this does not have to be the case.  However, I still want a masculine man because I am more comfortable as a feminine women.  And to me, masculine and feminism goes so beyond this list! (not that I discredit literary theory or dramatic literature) but to me, confidence! Confidence in what you do, and who you are, and what you like to do.  Confidence in your choices and in the person that you are works for both masculine and feminine characteristics.  Why not focus on that in ourselves rather then "I'm a girl and I LOVE steak" or "I'm a boy and I want to be a teacher" and thinking that there is something wrong with these characteristics.  I have heard, and I agree with, the idea that confidence is one of the most attractive qualites that a woman (or a man) can have.  So, all of this (referencing to the lines upon lines of words above) has been written so that I could come to this conclusion......there you have it. 

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