Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 1

Could we be just as sexy pulling apples off a tree like Audrey Hepburn suggested? Though we may not be apple pickers, we are women living everyday lives, doing everyday tasks and events. Some of us are married, some of us are single.  Some of us have a fat crush on a guy and he may not even care that we exist.  We are women with many differences, but one common quality: we are female. (DISCLAIMER: Day one counts for the past few days seeing how I started this past Monday but it still all comes together for day one, you can expect 29 more posts:)) Monday: I wore my hair curled, white button up blouse, black fitted jeans and teal sandals.  My makeup was minimal but just enough to show color. Throughout the day, I remember reflecting on the way I walked, "heel toe heel toe heel toe".  When you walk in such a manner, it gives you a sense of "swivel". The kind that women desire. It's a walk of confidence. (that explains why they use on "high fashion" run ways because something, (confidence) has to make up for the jack the ripper outfit) That is the day I hugged a friend when I saw him in the bookstore and he said, and I quote, "Wow! You smell really good."  Tuesday I ended up wearing jeans and high heels because I had just previewed for a mask club and didn't feel like changing. (haha) I got many more looks it seemed (guys and girls), but this could have been because of the fact that I looked like the jolly white giant (white blouse) in high heels seeing as I am 5 ft 10 inches.  Wednesday I put on a jumpsuit I have which is like a parachute pants attached to a sweetheart neck bodice. The bodice has flowers. (so girly haha) Curled my hair with a pin curl on top. I received a few compliments, from both men and women, but besides the "I'm a girl" part, I just felt confident, and happy to be at school. Thursday (today): white pants with a blue silk blouse, lots of awesome retro jewelry that I received from my great grandma and grandma which I will forever be grateful for, my hair curled (again) and a pin curl on top. Again, some very nice compliments, a few looks, and a comment from my friend Brock, "I like this classy look, you should keep it this way. It works for you. " Brock is awesome. I'm not gonna lie however, I found today challenging. I woke up and curled my hair and thought, "why am I doing this? I look like such a girly girl!" Ask Aubrey my roommate, it was a struggle. haha.  It was then, this morning that I reminded myself that to be feminine you don't have to curl your hair and wear fancy clothes. It's about confidence and confidence in your sexuality! So, I challenge you, for tomorrow, to practice confidence, in the way you walk AND in the way you think and view yourself. I will do the same, and tomorrow, I won't curl my hair.


  1. You should take pictures! I want to see these outfits! Also, I love that you wear heels. I am almost 5'10 as well and I have to be feeling brave to wear my heels out.

  2. I agree with the picture idea.
    I'm excited to read this.
